<------- ------->
<------- ------->
" 10500 - 8000 = 2500 "
" 10750 - 7950 = 2800 "
" 10500 - 6500 = 4000 "
" 11000 - 7500 = 3500 "
" 10500 - 6500 = 4000 "
" 11500 - 7000 = 4700 "
" 10500 - 6000 = 4500 "
" 11000 - 7000 = 4000 "
" 11000 - 7000 = 4000 "
" 10750 - 7250 = 3500 "
" 11250 - 7000 = 4250 "
" 10750 - 7750 = 3000 "
" 11250 - 8000 = 3250 "
" 10750 - 7750 = 3000 "
" 11000 - 7500 = 3500 "
(タイトルの見方;焼く前の重さ ー 焼いた後の重さ = 気化した分の重さ)
2009. graphite; 34x12x12cm.
(Explantion of the Titles : Weight before burning - (minus) Weight after burning = (equal) Weight of something evaporated )